Adankwaman Senior High School is a senior high school located at Assin Darmang in the Assin South District. The school is about 600m from the main highway that leads from Cape Coast to Assin Foso.
Is the mission of the school to provide relevant quality education and training which will enable students to acquire knowledge, skills, and good morals, develop their potential, and facilitate poverty reduction in their localities.
Is the vision of the school to be a model school, with high academic excellence through effective teaching and learning, and efficient management of human, material, and financial resources to boost academic performance, increase enrollment and add to its assets.
The school offers the following courses;
- Business
- Home Economics
- General Science
- General Arts
- General Agricultural
- Visual Arts
Adankwaman Senior High School is a Category B senior high school and one of the senior high schools in the Central Region of Ghana.