The University of Oklahoma (OU) is a public research university in Norman, Oklahoma. Founded in 1890, it had existed in Oklahoma Territory near Indian Territory for 17 years before the two Territories became the state of Oklahoma. In Fall 2022, the university had 29,705 students enrolled, most at its main campus in Norman. Employing nearly 3,000 faculty members, the school offers 152 baccalaureate programs, 160 master’s programs, 75 doctorate programs, and 20 majors at the first professional level.
The university is classified among “R1: Doctoral Universities – Very high research activity”. According to the National Science Foundation, OU spent $283 million on research and development in 2018, ranking it 82nd in the nation. Its Norman campus has two prominent museums, the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, specializing in French Impressionism and Native American artwork, and the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, specializing in the natural history of Oklahoma.
The university has won multiple national championships in multiple sports, including seven football national championships and two NCAA Division I baseball championships. The women’s softball team has won the national championship six times: in 2000, 2013, and consecutively in 2016 and 2017 and in 2021 and 2022. The gymnastics teams have won a combined 11 national championships since 2002, with the men’s team winning eight in the last 15 years, including three consecutive titles from 2015 to 2017.
University of Oklahoma is ranked #127 out of 443 National Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.
in Best Colleges for Veterans (tie)
- A HI-Art History
- A T-Art and Technology
- ACCT-Accounting
- AERO-Aerospace Studies
- AFAM-African & African American Studies
- AGSC-Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences
- AHS-Allied Health Sciences
- AME-Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering
- AMGT-Arts Management
- ANTH-Anthropology
- ARAB-Arabic
- ARCH-Architecture
- ARNM-Art for Non-Majors
- ART-Art
- ARTC-Art Theory & Criticism
- ARTH-Art Therapy
- ASTR-Astronomy
- ATC-Art, Technology, and Culture
- AVIA-Aviation
- B AD-Business Administration
- B C-Business Communication
- BASN-Bassoon
- BASS-Bass
- BIA-Business Intelligence & Analysis
- BIOL-Biology
- BME-Biomedical Engineering
- C S-Computer Science
- CAS-College of Arts & Sciences
- CEE-College of Earth & Energy
- CEES-Civil Engineering & Environmental Science
- CELO-Cello
- CH E-Chemical Engineering
- CHEM-Chemistry
- CHER-Cherokee
- CHIN-Chinese
- CHOC-Choctaw
- CL C-Classical Culture
- CLAR-Clarinet
- CNS-Construction Science
- COMM-Communication
- COMP-Composition
- CREK-Creek
- DANC-Dance
- DENG-Developmental English
- DES-Design
- DMAT-Developmental Mathematics
- DRAM-Drama
- DRDG-Developmental Reading
- DSA-Data Science and Analytics
- EACS-Educational Administration Curriculum & Supervision
- ECE-Electrical & Computer Engineering
- ECON-Economics
- EDAH-Adult and Higher Education
- EDEC-Early Childhood Education
- EDEL-Elementary Education
- EDEN-English Education
- EDLT-Literacy Education
- EDMA-Mathematics Education
- EDPC-Professional Counseling
- EDPY-Education & Counseling Psychology
- EDRG-Reading Education
- EDS-Educational Studies
- EDSC-Science Education
- EDSE-Secondary Education
- EDSP-Special Education
- EDSS-Social Studies Education
- EDSW-Education Sooner Works
- EDUC-College of Education
- EDWL-World Language Education
- EIPT-Instructional Psychology & Technology
- EMAD-Executive MBA Aerospace & Defense
- EMBA-Executive Energy MBA
- EMGT-Energy Management
- EN D-Environmental Design
- ENGB-Energy for Business
- ENGL-English
- ENGR-College of Engineering
- ENST- Environmental Studies
- ENT-Entrepreneurship
- EPHY-Engineering Physics
- EUPH-Euphonium
- EXPO-Expository Writing
- F A-College of Fine Arts
- FIN-Finance
- FLUT-Flute
- FMS-Film and Media Studies
- FR H-French Horn
- FR-French
- FRAN-Franchising
- G E-Geological Engineering
- GCRE-Grad Comp Recital
- GDMA-Graduate Recital DMA
- GEOG-Geography
- GEOL-Geology
- GERM-German
- GIS-Geographic Information Science
- GPHY-Geophysics
- GRAD-Graduate College
- GRK-Greek
- GRRE-Graduate Recital – MM
- GTAR-Guitar
- H R-Human Relations
- HARP-Harp
- HCB-Health Care Business
- HEBR-Hebrew
- HES-Health and Exercise Science
- HIST-History
- HMS-Health, Medicine, and Society
- HON-Honors College
- HPCD-Harpsichord
- HSTM-History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
- I D-Interior Design
- IAS-International & Area Studies
- ILAC-Instructional Leadership & Academic Curriculum
- ILAW-International Law
- INTL-International Courses
- ISE-Industrial and Systems Engineering
- ITAL-Italian
- JAPN-Japanese
- JMC-Journalism & Mass Communication
- JRRE-Music Recitals
- KIOW-Kiowa
- L A-Landscape Architecture
- L S-Legal Studies
- LAT-Latin
- LAW-Law
- LDMA-Music Recitals
- LGBT-LGBTQ Studies
- LING-Linguistics
- LIS-Library and Information Studies
- LSAL-Administrative Leadership
- LSCJ-Criminal Justice
- LSCS-Cultural Studies
- LSG-Legal Studies (General)
- LSH-Legal Studies Healthcare Law
- LSHA-Human & Health Services Administration
- LSI-Legal Studies Indigenous Peoples Law
- LSIB-Legal Studies International Business Law
- LSIS-Integrated Studies
- LSLC-Lifespan Care and Administration
- LSMS-Museum Studies
- LSO-Legal Studies Oil, Gas, & Energy Law
- LSPS-Prevention Science
- LSRL-Community Recreation Leadership
- LSTD-Liberal Studies
- LTRS-Letters
- M S-Military Science – Army
- MATH-Mathematics
- MBIO-Microbiology
- METR-Meteorology
- MGT-Management
- MIS-Management Information Systems
- MIT-Management Information Technology
- MKT-Marketing
- MLLL-Modern Languages, Literatures, & Linguistics
- MRS-Medieval and Renaissance
- MTHR-Musical Theatre
- MUED-Music Education
- MULI-Music Literature
- MUNM-Music for Non-Majors
- MUS-Music
- MUSC-Musicology
- MUTE-Music Technique
- MUTH-Music Theory
- MUTK-Music Technology
- N S-Naval Science
- NAS-Native American Studies
- NPNG-Nonprofit & Nongovernmental Organizations
- OBOE-Oboe
- OCL-Organizational and Community Leadership
- ODYN-Organizational Dynamics
- ORGN-Organ
- P E-Petroleum Engineering
- P SC-Political Science
- PBIO-Plant Biology
- PCUS-Percussion
- PDC-Planning, Design & Construction
- PERS-Persian
- PHCH-Public Health and Community Health
- PHIL-Philosophy
- PHYS-Physics
- PIAN-Piano
- PORT-Portuguese
- PSY-Psychology
- RCPL-Regional & City Planning
- RELS-Religious Studies
- RPHD-Music Recitals
- RUSS-Russian
- S WK-Social Work
- SAX-Saxophone
- SCM-Supply Chain Management
- SOC-Sociology
- SPAN-Spanish
- SRRE-Music Recitals
- TRMP-Trumpet
- TROM-Trombone
- TUBA-Tuba
- UCOL-University College
- UGRE-Music Recitals
- UNIV-University Course
- VIOA-Viola
- VIOL-Violin
- VOIC-Voice
- WGS-Women’s & Gender Studies